Yale Spring Fling

Unofficial or speculative designs made for Yale's annual music festival.

spring fling poster 5spring fling poster 2spring fling poster 1
spring fling poster 7

Make Me Whole Again

I gave 20 people a set of 7x10 grids and an open challenge: create a pixelated alphabet by shading in the squares. I then compiled and combined their typefaces, placing one person's "interpretation" on the top and another person's on the bottom. The results varied: some combinations were beautiful and shockingly compatible, while others mashed together to create unreadable, semi-abstract forms. The typeface serves both as a tribute to individuality and uniqueness, while also showing the beauty of combining the minds of two strangers.

Fine Art

Some digital and traditional art that I've made over the years.



Miscellaneous posters I've created, both for commissions and for fun.

dance nation poster
gcafe posterhobbes and sushi poster